Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Annual Funny Malaysian Horror Movie...

Sorry Dato' as I feel that your informative posting on Annual AG Report need to be linked in my blog urgently.

Source here.......... read and think.

Make Your House In Order...

What else other than sex, sex, and more sex in their mind? The said molested girl has denied but they are still not satisfy just because she is not Malay. And yet, they are forcing us to believe Najib's denial on many issues namely on submarines which cannot submerge.

They are blaming the church when Muslim go to seek an assistance without hassle, no red-tape and require to obtain their signature in the application forms.

They even said that Muslim can be a prostitute when they are desperate to earn a living. Only Mashitah can elobrate on this and yet they are charging Muslim females for selling their body for monies.

They are serving & organizing more and more entertainments and yet blaming others for identity crisis of the young generations who prefer the western life-style as per movies shown to them.

The worst part, they are blaming others when Muslim are converting to Christianity. Question is, why Muslim are "murtad" when the is NATO (no action talk only) on expending the understanding of Islam itself?

It was said in 24 April 2007, cabinet has agreed to appoint non-Muslim to chair a Jawatankuasa Perkampungan Islam Hadhari. What the hell is this?

Remember, one finger pointing others, the balance are point at you unless you are classified as OKU.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Cycling Gerakan...

The pictures above speak for itself

Thursday, October 13, 2011

More Voters Are Voicing Out....

Let us not forget that majority voters are in private sector's employment. Therefore, if you are in a private sector, please read the article published in The Star and start to think who are you in the eyes of them. When you are nothing, they are nothing to you too, right? You will be a special person to them only during election. Am I right to say that?

You Help Me, I Help You...

It has been a while since "You help me, I help you" first came out from the mouth of Jibby. Recently, he has tabled an early x'mas present hoping to buy some votes during forthcoming GE. Those people interviewed and express their feeling that the Budget 2012 is the most people-friendly are normally from Jibby's own party members who has no brain and ability to do a deep analysis.

Sick & tired with those kind of people who even call themselves as "pejuang bahasa kebangsaan" but being in denial syndrome on their own party name, might as well I entertain myself with the story below:

Is there a similarity between "You help me, I help you"?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Foget-FOOL People...

I almost vomit upon clicking the link to this news in Utuseks Meloya upon notified by a friend of mine.

I wish to extend my assistance in recalling and refreshing the memory of those in PerkasaM, Majlis Penyelaras Gabungan Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) Melayu Johor and Pengerusi Gerakan Belia 4B Johor on the photo below. However, since those people actually have no memory, there nothing much I could do.

They have shown a clear message and admission of being a forget-FOOL Malay.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Budget 2012 - A Quick Analysis...

Najib has tabled his proposed budget for 2012. Having listened to his speech, my preliminary conclusion are simple....

(except unproductive group of people)

Mostly focusing on the certain groups and areas towards ensuring their vote to BarangNaik. There is no solid plan to ease the cost of living and economic pressure on the people and laymen on the street other than agro-policy to increase food supplies and opening of more Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia.
  1. Do you have the said shop in your area?
  2. Can you ensure the price is lower even the supplies are increased?

Najid is talking about giving out millions here & there, project here & there and what not. Question are....
  1. Where the money come from?
  2. Is he going to use our country's saving?

Free education fee for student. Just wait during registration of new school session next year. 1001 kind of "yurans" will be imposed. Most assistance to the certain people/groups are merely one-time-payment. Seen as a good approach to ensure their vote to BarangNaik during the election. Just like they used to do, giving promises "bulan & bintang". After election... back to square-one.

Mark my word, after the forthcoming election, lot of taxes will emerge namely GST and more subsidies will be "rationalized". This is to off-set all the "gula-gula" given to only certain people towards ensuring their votes on BarangNaik.

I am not surprise nor disappointed with this budget as I never put any hope at the first place.

Friday, October 07, 2011

See & Ask Yourself....

Just look at the photo which speak for itself. Any member of United Malay National Organization wants to comment anything? Or you are waiting for Myanmar & Nepalis to assist you in drafting your comment?

Abuse of authority is no different than RASUAH which need to be fought until kingdom come. This is clear cut. Just imagine double standard on other laymen on the street which has no black & white.

UMNO is now gazetted by Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka as Bahasa Kebangsaan. It should not be read as United Malays National Organization. If translation is to be made, it should read as United Myanmar Nepalis Organization.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Missing In Action.....

Am I missing something here upon reading this news in Utuseks Meloya? Did try to look in other newspapers but couldn't find one. Maybe their editors can think the consequences of publishing such news.

No wonder people are saying UMNO members can easily be treated like moron who live in Perkasam with high songkok carrying cow head here and there. The denial syndrome and now known as "syiok sendiri" can never be cured.

Let me repeat it again hoping that you can get well soon from the sickness otherwise be prepared to be sent to hell in the GE-13....

UMNO = United Malays National Organization; which mean it is not using Bahasa Kebangsaan but English. Why all of you "kecoh-kecoh" on people who are not using Bahasa Kebangsaan in their private function which has nothing to do with state government?

Oppsss, I'm so,
so sorry. UMNO is now known as United Myanmar Nepal Organization. No wonder they are so "kalut" on Bahasa Kebangsaan. My apologize on that.

Can't you find better issue to pro
mote yourself as potential and winnable candidate in forthcoming G.E?

Don't tell me that your brain has only one thing
better change you logo to thi

Alternative Budget 2012 vs Non-Alternative...

The Alternative Budget 2012 has been presented by PR with full text can be read further here.

However, I had a feeling that Najib's budget for 2012 is more a less similar to Buku Jingga to the extend copying what had been presented by Anwar since Bini Rosmah has few days to make some amendment.

I do not want to comment further on this Alternative Budget 2012 until Najib completed his speech this Friday 7th July 2011.

Don't put your hope too high as you will be disappointed when Najib cannot fulfill it.

Watch this video for my brotherly advice...

Monday, October 03, 2011

Another Sad News Waiting For Us......

KERAjaan increase the price of sugar for reason to overcome the diabetes issue. 44 days and 44 nights media namely Utuseks Meloya, Berita Hairan and TVsuku were interviewing 1001 kind of people to support the justification. As a result, people are to pay more in almost everything related to sugar. I'm not sure whether the case of diabetes is reducing or not. Can anybody update me?

Now, Utuseks Meloya & Sinar Hairan have published a news on tax imposed by Denmark on fat related foods namely milk, pizza, meat and stuff like that. Read here and here for more....

As usual, when KERAjaan wants to increase the fuel price, the media will publish the issue in and quoting various comments from various professor "kangkung". Same scenario with the above.

Mark my word, we will have to pay more for the said items as I have a feeling KERAjaan will follow what Denmark is doing.

Before we are forced to pay higher, let's kick them out and send to hell......