Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another View On PPSMI....

BASED on the Education Ministry’s Schedule for Policy Transition from PPSMI (Teaching of Science and Mathematics in English) to MBMMBI (Upholding Bahasa Malaysia and Strengthening the Command of English), Science and Mathematics will be taught solely in Bahasa Malaysia in all national primary and secondary schools by 2016.

However, students in Forms 6, matriculation and universities will study the two subjects in English as it is done now.

I find a serious mismatch here between students learning Science and Maths in Bahasa in secondary schools and potential Science and Maths teachers being trained in the two subjects in English in universities.

The Ministry is implementing its plan to have only graduate teachers in all secondary schools and according to the Schedule, all Science and Maths graduates would have studied the two subjects in English in Form 6, matriculation and university but they will go back to schools to teach the two subjects in Bahasa.

Are we not fitting square pegs into round holes as far as the language of instruction is concerned? Would their competency be compromised? Would we not be sacrificing on quality? This predicament will magnify itself after 2015.

The Schedule is consequential to the proposed policy change. It spells out the subsequent steps to follow in the years to come. But it cannot be right if there is an inherent fault in the policy change. As it is, it does not compute!

To remedy the mismatch, schools should be allowed the option to continue teaching Science and Maths in English at secondary level. This is the desire of many students and parents.

If we can have a budget by the people as proudly proclaimed by the Prime Minister, let’s also have an education system by the people.

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