Friday, September 30, 2011

Santa Claus vs Hope....

The presentation on Budget 2012 is just round the corner. 1001 kinds of people, NGO, leaders bla... bla... bla... have expressed their hope to see the budget would focus on improving our economy which I do not want to elaborate and comment further.

As for me, I don't have any hope at all upon recalling the "Bajet Seluar Dalam" presented by Najib last year. His worst attitude to announce millions here, millions there every time he pay a visit to every area make me sick. Let's not forget that I also have a friends in various KERAjaan agencies who confirm that KERAjaan actually has no monies.

The demand of rakyat for the commencement of projects as announced by Najib during his visit has been blackout by media.

My frankly advise to you, don't put hope in our next budget which is expected to be crony friendly instead of "Mesra Rakyat". It would be tantamount to ensuring your vote to Barang Naik (BN) lead by United Myanmar No Otak (UMporNO).

After the election, they will start "selling" everything even you daughters... Can you name one of their/your leaders who fight for bangsa, agama & negara rather than tenders & contracts?

They live in a luxury style but you...... Even PATI are given red-carpet. Think about it.

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