Thursday, July 28, 2011

Blackout News On BERSIH...

As reported by Channel 907...

Kuala Lumpur, 19 July. Dewan Bahasa dan Perkasa (DBP) today confirmed that the word ”BERSIH” will be banned and taken out from the Malay lexicology. The chairman of DBP, Tan Sri Faizal Suresh Abdullah announced the decision at a press conference held at DBP’s main campus at Jinjang, north of the city.

“We are only following the Government directive. They said BERSIH is illegal, so we also follow lah. We are part of the same government, you know. From today onwards, nobody can use the word bersih. Anyone caught doing otherwise can be fined RM 5,000 or jailed for two years or both”, stressed Tan Sri Faizal.

When quizzed by newsmen what alternative words the public could use instead of bersih, Tan Sri Faizal added “we are not stupid. We have already thought about the inconvenience this ban might cause to the public. So, we had a lab, chaired by none other than Datuk Idris Jala, which studied the problem closely. And we came up with a brilliant alternative”.

To a question by Channel 907 correspondent, Lattalilat Thamplom, Tan Sri Faizal said “since this problem was started by that freakin Indian woman, Ambiga, we have decided to replace the word bersih with ambiga. Very clever isn’t it”.

According to DBP "since this Indian woman started the problem, we are going to substitute bersih with her name. Clever isn't it ?"

DBP has released guidelines for this change of terminology that advises the public the right way of replacing bersih with ambiga. Extracts from the guidelines are appended below :

Contoh ayat menggunakan perkataan ambiga

Contoh 1

- Cara lama

-- Murid-murid perlu menjaga kebersihan bilik darjah masing-masing

=> Cara baru

==> Murid-murid perlu menjaga keambigaan bilik darjah masing-masing

Contoh 2

- Cara lama

-- Pantai itu sungguh bersih

=> Cara baru

==> Pantai itu sungguh ambiga

Contoh 3

- Cara lama

-- Kamar itu dibersihkan oleh orang gaji saya

=> Cara baru

==> Kamar itu diambigakan oleh orang gaji saya

Contoh 4

- Cara lama

-- Cuci bersih

=> Cara baru

==> Cuci ambiga

MNN has been reliably informed that many Local councils are now considering using the AMBIGA rating system for assessing cleanliness of restaurants. Instead of the conventional A, B and C or star ratings, restaurants may be rated 1Ambiga, 2Ambiga or 3Ambiga.

Channel 907 - your most reliable source of reliable news


Puteri said...

Dear Kamal Sanusi,

I found this comment on fb
"This is very URGENT ! No Kidding


Fast fast unlike najib page

( this message for those who have post the diam lah words at pm fb only )

Polis take action bcoz of diam lah , if younger involve pls unlike it

We having 70,000 people involve

Pls help to spread to other ."

Hu,.. it makes me feel uncomfortable LOT! because I've post to his page too.. What to do? How abt posts on my blog? Should I hide 'them'..??

What should I do?

Kekadang takut jugak dengan ugutan ni... Tmabahan, my univ selalu jugak aga prog si RM datang rasmikan..

Oh.... I think I should hide some posts on my blog.. after I get my deg (convocation) I'll publish them back.. any suggestion?

Puteri said...

Oh yea.. new 'cloth' for ur blog? it's nice :)

Kamal Sanusi said...

Dear Puteri

The intimidation action done by them can never stop us from expressing our voice towards making our future better and better.

The more they do, the more people will act to retaliate.

Well, you may do as what you are planning to do. They can stop us from publishing the news or share the information but they can never stop what is inside our mind.

There are so many way to skin the cat.

Thanks, sesekali kena tuka baju jugak sbb baju lama dah "kotor".


Puteri said...


my convocation on this December
oh Allah

lambatnya lagi....!

just then I can't KUTUK habis2an those worst govt

Saya ni penakut. Macam mendiang Beng Hock. orang yang takut takkan dedahkan diri kepada bahaya.

Akan cuba selamatkan diri.
Dan tak akan berani Bunuh Diri!