Friday, December 17, 2010

Test Your IQ Level...

It is said that only those who has minimum IQ at 120 can solve this mathematical problem...

  • 2 + 3 = 10
  • 7 + 2 = 63
  • 6 + 5 = 66
  • 8 + 4 = 96

  • 9 + 7 = ???

Members of um-NO (all wings) are encourage to try...


Puteri said...

oh luck of me, I'm not umno-nian.. he.he

Danny Lau said...


Danny Lau said...

i mean what ever numbers given its equals to JOBOR (LUBANG JUBUR+AL-JUBURI)!!!

Kamal Sanusi said...

Well guys, we have now the um-NO-ngok answering the question.

See how he answered? What a stupid un-NO putra.

So Danny, please do not show your stupidity. What a shame.

Puteri said...


any new entry(ies)?

Unknown said...

Is it 144?